Senin, 28 November 2011

narrative text


Jenis teks berupa cerita atau dongeng yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca.  Ciri utama teks narrative adalah terdapatnya masalah (atau hal yang dianggap masalah atau pelik) dan langkah yang diambil untuk merespon masalah tersebut—ini umumnya berupa solusi atau penyelesaian. Konten teks narrative dapat berupa cerita khayalan atau kisah nyata  yang mendapatkan bumbu-bumbu perekayasa.  

Teks narrative umumnya memiliki struktur:
- orientation, pendahuluan atau pembuka berupa pengelanalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat.
- complication/crisis, pengembangan konflik atau pemunculan masalah.
- resolution, penyelesaian konflik atau langkah yang diambil untuk merespon masalah.
- reorientation, penutup—ungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan cerita sudah berakhir, ini sifatnya opsional.
- coda, perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita; sifatnya opsional.

The Lost Ring

Many years ago a lady who lived in a big house in Wales lost her best ring. One of the servants must have stolen it. She was worried about what her husband, who was away at the time, would sy. The ring had cost a great deal of money. She knew that she had to find it before her husband returned.
‘What am  I going to do?’ She asked her friends.
‘Send for Robin Ddu,’ they told her. ‘He is the wisest man in Wales.’
So she sent for the wizard Robin Ddu. He came at once.
‘Do not worry,’ he told her. ‘We shall soon find the missing ring.’
He asked that all the servants be gathered in one large room. As they came in, he studied them. But he could tell nothing from their faces.
Then he asked for a live cock and cooking pot that things were brought to him. He put the cock on the table and covered it with the cooig pot. Next he closed the curtains so that the room was almost dark.
‘Now,’ he said, ‘each of you must walk past the table and place your thumb for a moment on the cooking pot. The cock will crow if the thief touches it.
All the servants did as what they are told. But the cock never crowed.
Robin Ddu opened the curtain.
‘The thief cannot be here,’ the lady said.
‘I think he is,’ answered the wizard.
He asked the servants to show him their thumbs. The first servant held out his thumb . It was black with soot from the bottom of the cooking pot. So were the thumbs of the other servants – all but one.
‘There is the thief,’ Robind Ddu told the lady. The one who was afraid that the cock might crow.’
1. Where did the story take place?
a. In a ingdom in Wales
b. In a small house in Wales
c. In a house of a rich family in Wales
d. In a house of a wizard in Wales

2. What is the problem with the lady?
a. She wanted to know what happened.
b. She wanted to find her lost ring.
c. She was afraid of her husband.
d. She wanted to live with the wizard, Robin Ddu.

3. What can we learn from the text?
a. Rich people can buy everything they want.
b. Wealthy means everything.
c. Wizards can do everything.
d. People will feel afraid if they are dishonest.

The Clever Judge

Once upon a time, a lion, a fox and a donkey set off for a day’s hunting. They made an agreement to have an equal shaare of what was caught. After a time, they were able to kill a fat buck. The lion asked the donkey to divide the prize. The obliging donkey cut up the buck into three equal parts then invited the lion to take his choice.
This made the lion so furious and killed the donkey with his powerful blow.
Then the lion told the fox to divide the meat. The fox was cunning. He put a side a big heap ……….( 1 ) the lions re, and kept only a small piece for himself.
On seeing this, the lion ……………… ( 2 ) and said “Master fox, this needs the most satisfactory divisor. Who taught you to be so clever?
“The dead donkey has been my teacher,“ replied the fox. “From ……….. ( 3 ) foolish conduct I have learned to be wise.

1. a. for                        b. to                 c. in                 d. on

2. a. thought very happy                     c. looked very pleased
    c. seemed very angry                      d. looked very disappointed

3. a. his                        b. him              c. himself         d. he

One morning, there was a tiger who woke up and just felt great. He felt so good, he went out and cornered a small monkey and roared at him. “Who is the mightest of all the jungle animals?” The poor little monkey replied, “You are of course, no one is mightier than you”.
A little while lter, this tiger confronted a deer and bellowed out. “ Who is the gretest and strongest of all the jungle nimal?” The deer was shaking so hrd it almost could not spea, but managed to say, “Oh great tiger, you are by far the mightest animal in the jungle.”.
The tiger wlked proudly to an elephant that was quietly eating some weeds and roared at the top his voice, “Who is the mighties of all the animals in the jungle?”
Then this elephant grabbed the tiger with his trunk, picked him up, slamed him down, picked him up again and shook him until the tiger was just a blur of orange and black. Finally, the elephant threw him violently into a nearby tree. The tiger staggered to his feet and looed at the elephant and said, “Man , just because you don’t know the answer, you don’t have to get so angry!”

1. What did the elephant do to tiger with his trunk?
a. Grabbed him.
b. Answered his question
c. Distrubed him
d. Confronted him

2. “……….picked him up gain and shook….” (paragraph 4).
The underlined word refers to …….
a. elephant
b. tiger
c. monkey
d. deer

3. What can we learn from the text?
a. We may not get easily angry to ourselves.
b. We may not be dishonest of ourselves.
c. We may not be silly of ourselves.
d. We may not be boasful.

4. From the story above we know that ……
a. a tiger ws the greatest and strongest animal.
b. all of the animals were afraid of the tiger.
c. the elephnt was stronger than the tiger.
d. the tiger was afraid of the elephant

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Anecdote Text

What’s The Funny ?

    1.     One student to another :
“ How are your English lessons coming along?”
“Fine. I used to be the one who couldn’t understand the English people, and now it’s English people who can’t understand me”

   2.      A man went to a doctor and was told he had a serious illness and would need an operation.
“Is it very dngerous?” asked the man.
“yes, it is. Four out of five people who have this operation die.” Said the doctor. “But you will have nothing to worry about!”.
“why not?”
“I have already operated on four people and they have all died.”

Question : Would you let this kind of doctor operate on you?

   3.      A drunk walked up to  man and asked, “ what time is it?”
The man said, “It’s 11 o’clock.”
The drunk said, “ I must be crazy. All day long I keep getting different answers.”

   4.      There was once a man who had a friend who wasn’t to smart.
They were walking along one day, and the man said, “Look at the dead bird.”
The friend looked up in the air and asked, “Where? Where?”.

   5.      One day Kabayan lost his donkey. While looking for it he was also acting very happy. When the people saw him they couldn’t understand why he was so happy.
When they asked him the reason, Kabayan told them, “I’m happy because I was’nt riding the donkey when it got lost. If I had been, I’d be lost now, too.”

   6.      One day his neighbours asked Kabayan, “we heard some noises in your house last night and we wondered what was happening.”
Kabayan told them, “My cloak fell down the stairs.”
The neighbors replied, “But Kabayan, a cloak is just made out of cloth. It couldn’t have made that much noise!”
Kabayan answered impatiently, “Well, of course it could, I was in it!”

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Report Text


Hasil pengamatan, penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang, atau tempat. Participant (yang dideskripsikan) pada report cenderung general. Data yang tersaji umumnya berupa simpulan umum akan karakteristik, ciri, dan atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant. Tujuan teks report adalah untuk menggambarkan participant apa adanya. Bila yang dibicarakan suatu benda, teks report lebih menyoroti fungsi dari benda tersebut.
Teks report lazimnya menyodorkan suatu generalisasi akan participant yang diulas; generalisasi ini umumnya didapat lewat membandingkan yang satu dengan yang lain yang tergolong participant sejenis. 
Teks report umumnya memiliki struktur:
- general classification, pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.
- description, penginformasian ciri-ciri umum/generalisasi yang dimiliki subjek—misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku,      tampilan fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya.

Contoh Text Report:

Our country has many kinds of flowers. One of them is called Raflesia Arnoldi. It is the biggest one in the world. It can reach nearly one meter in diameter and 1.40 meters in height.
This flower comes from the name of the British Government General, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who built the Botanical Garden Bogor, West Java. The man who discovered the plant was Beccry, an Italian botanist.
Raflesia consists of two parts, the stick-like part which, grows in the middle and petals around and below it.
The Raflesia plant begins to flower in its tenth year. It blooms three or four times in a year. Before it begins to floer, the leaves and the stem become dry and look ded, however, the main root in the ground is still alive.
While the flower is blossoming, it has a very unpleasant smell which attracts insects especially green flies. They seem eager to explore the flower. However, if the flies touch the bottom part of the stick-like center, they will die.

1. What does the text tell us about?
A. The discovery of the Rafflesia Arnoldi.                     B. The chrcters of the Rafflesia Arnoldi.
C. The steps to growRafflesia Arnoldi.                            D. Botnical Garden in Bogor.

2. Who discovered the Rafflesia Arnoldi?
A. Thomas Stamford Raffles           B. Indonesian Botanist      C. A Gardener from Bogor                D. Beccary
3. How many times cn people see the flower of Rafflesia Arnoldi blooming?
A. Three or four times a year            B. Once in a year                                 C. Along the year                                 D. Every month

Nowadays, many goverments of the world are worried about water supplies in their countries. Fresh water is becoming more nd more difficult to be obtined. In many big cities, the level of water in the ground wells is getting lower and lower. The loss of forests due to irresponsible cutting down of trees often mens loss of water from wells under the ground. Trees are very important for water preservation.
Dams preserve the water that many of our towns and cities need. Dams have many functions. They hold back rain water that may result in floods if not checked. They also provide water to irrigate farms.
            People can use the waterfalls of  dam to produce electricity. Electricity gives light and energy to our houses and factoies. Dams can also produce lakes, and lakes can be used for raising fish and practising various kinds of water sports.
            Another sources of water is river. In Indonesia we have many rivers. Rivers re good source of water. However, if people throw waste into rivers, then the water become very dirty. Waste pollutes water. One of the most dangerous types of waste is chemical waste from facories. This can be deadly and can ill fish, water plants nd other creatures living in the river.

1. Why are many goverments anxious bout water supplies in their country? Because…..
A. People can use dams to produce electricity                               C. It is becoming difficult to get fresh and unpolluted water
B. Goverments are formed by people for people                          D. If we don’t have adequate dams, there will be seriuos floods.

2. “Trees are very importnt for water preservation” (pragrph 1) The word preservation has close meaning to…….
A. Conservation                   B. Calculation                      C. Circulation       D. Cultivation
3. Paragraph 2 mainly discusses………
a. the ways to build dams    b. the andvntages of dams    c. the disdvantages of dams      d. how to build electricity genertor
4. The following is not the benefit of dams for people.
A. To produce electricity                                    C. To raise fish
B. To prevent flood                                             D. To pollute rivers

The Mightiest Archipleago

The Indonesian archipleago is by far the world’s largest group of 13.667 islands which stretches across 5,120 km (3,200 miles) of tropical seas like a string of emeralds. When sperimposed on a map of North America, Indonesia stretches from Oregon all the way to Bermuda. On a map of Europe, the archipelago extends from Ireland past the Caspian Sea. More than 200 million people inhabit this archipelago.
Known to anthropologists and naturalists as “The Malay equatorial line”, the equatorial line is an imaginary line dividing the earth into two parts from east to west in the tropical zone. This makes Indonesia have two seasons, the wet and dry season. Because of its location many kinds of flora and fauna live here. According to the astonomical location, Indonesia lies between 60 North Latitude and 110 South Latitude and between 950 East Longitude adn 1410 East Longitude.

1. Where is Oregon?
A. In Europe                         B. In America                       C. In Indonesia                    D. On the equator

2. What is paragraph one about?
A. The length of Indonesia                                B. The Indonesia’s product               C. The size of Indonesia                    D. The Indonesia’s people

3. Indonesia is rich of flora and fauna because……..
A. of its season     B. it lies in the tropical zone               C. it lies on 60 North latitude.             D. it is exctly in the middle of the earth

4. Which statement is suitable with the text?
A. Longitude is n imaginary line that parallel with the equarial line.     C. The area of the equatorial line is lso called the tropical zone.
B. Indonesia is called The Malay Archipelago by Indonesins.                D. Indonesia is inhabited by 200 milion people.


Born in America in 1874, Erich Weiss became one of the most famous magicians who ever lived. He took the stage name, Harry Houdini, in honour of Robert Houdini, a French conjurer and magician who died in 1871. Houdini was renowned most of all for his escapes from bonds of every kind – locks, handcuffs, strait-jackets and sealed chests under water. We refer nowadays to people who escape from impossible situations as ‘H oud I nis’.
One of Houdini’s greatest tricks on stage was called ‘The Vanishing Elephant’. An elephant was led into a cabinet with curtains at the front and doors at the back. The curtains were closed and then opened. The cabinet was empty and the elephant had vanished! The audience could see all round and the cabinet, but they could not see the secret compartment on one side where the elephant was hidden.

 1. We refer nowadays to people who escape from impossible situations as ‘H oud I nis’. The underlined word refer to ….
A. Harry Houdini                                 B. Writer                C. Robert Houdini               D. Reader
2. What is  ‘The Vanishing Elephant”?
A. the name of film                             B. the name of elephant    C. the name of trick of magic                          D. the name of show

3. Who is Robert Houdini?
A. Houdini’s father                             B.  French conjurer              C. Houdini’s coach                                             D. French political

4. where the elephant was hidden?
A. a cabinet                                          B. curtain                              C. secret compartment                                       D. field

5. How many years the distance of Harry Houdini born with the died of Robert Houdini?
A. a year                                                B. two years          C. three years                                                       C. four years